This workout is targeted for new mums.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a few weeks or a few months postpartum. The main point to remember is that you do the workout for new mums at your own pace.
You do not need to use a weight if you don’t want to. You just need to move your body, that is all that matters.
You can always repeat this exercise and add the weight the more confidence that you build.
With so many things to think of as a new mum getting to the gym is often pushed to the bottom of the list. But, working out from home with fitness apps like POW8R is a great way to stay active from the comfort of your own home. Take things at your own pace and take time to look after your own fitness journey.
Okay, let’s get into the warm-up.
POW8R tip: If you haven’t got a weight available you can even use a big water bottle as an alternative weight.
Meet your Trainer
While this is a workout that is specifically for those who are postpartum, it’s important to consult with a medical professional before taking part in any exercise after pregnancy.
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Workout for New Mums
Warm Up

All of the warm-up exercises are done using your body weight.
Body Weight Squats
Legs spread apart, bend your knees and put the weight into your heels. Keep your back straight and avoid putting pressure on your lower back.
Alternate Reverse Lunges
Lunge your right leg back from a standing position and bring it back. Keep your chest up and your back straight.
Do this on the other leg and repeat.
Run your hands down your legs with your back straight and hinging at your hips. Pushing your backside all the way to the back.
Jog on the spot
Don’t make this intense. Keep it at a light pace. March on the spot if a jog is too much for you.
Body Weight Squats
Legs spread apart, bend your knees and put the weight into your heels. Keep your back straight and avoid putting pressure on your lower back.
Jog on the spot
Don’t make this intense. Keep it at a light pace. March on the spot if a jog is too much for you.
Alternate Lunges
Lunge your right leg back from a standing position and bring it back.
Do this on the other leg and repeat.
Jog on the spot
Don’t make this intense. Keep it at a light pace. March on the spot if a jog is too much for you.
Mountain Climbers
Both hands to the floor and run those knees up to your chest. If 20 is too much for you then go for 10.
Workout 1 (Repeat 3x)

Remember: If you want to take a weight then take one, don’t feel obliged to do so.
Squats (10)
Knees apart, lean into your heels and squat to the floor.
Squats with a Pulse (10)
Knees apart lean into your heels and squat to the floor.
When you’re in a squatted position stay there for a second and pulse using your body weight then bring it back up into an upright position.
Squat Jumps (10)
Knees apart and squat to the floor, touch the floor with your hands and on the way up go into a small jump. Don’t jump if you don’t want to or can’t.
Do bodyweight squats as an alternative if needed.
Rest (20 Seconds)
Workout 2 (Repeat 3x)
Sit-Ups (10)
Lie on your back, bend your knees and rotate your upper body so your knees come into your chest. Do a crunch if a sit-up is too difficult.
Toe Touches (10)
Lie on your back and bring your legs up straight so your toes are pointed to the ceiling. Then try to touch your toes and bring your hands back over your head.
Bicycle Crunches (20)
Lift one leg off the ground, and extend it out. Lift your other leg and bend your knee, so that it comes towards your chest. Remember to keep your other leg straight out at this point. As you bend your knee towards you, raise your opposite elbow towards your knee in a twisting motion.
Rest (10 Seconds)
Workout 3 (Repeat 3x)
Remember: If you want to take a weight then take one, don’t feel obliged to do so.
Push Press (10)
Legs close together in a standing position. Hold the weight at your chest and press it upwards towards the sky.
Overhead Push Press (10)
Legs close together in a standing position. Hold the weight above your head and bend your elbows bringing the weight behind your head.
Upright Row (10)
Pull through your elbows and keep the weight close to your body as you go. Stop when your elbows are level with your shoulders. Keep your torso upright throughout the movement. Pause at the top, then return to start.
Rest (10 Seconds)

High Knees – Jog on the spot (20 seconds)
Don’t make this intense. Keep it at a light pace. March on the spot if a jog is too much for you.
Alternate Reverse Lunges (20 seconds)
Lunge your right leg back from a standing position and bring it back. Keep your chest up and your back straight.
Do this on the other leg and repeat.
High Knees – Jog on the spot (20 seconds)
Don’t make this intense. Keep it at a light pace. March on the spot if a jog is too much for you.
Mountain Climbers (20 seconds)
Both hands to the floor and run those knees up to your chest.
High Knees – Jog on the spot (20 seconds)
Don’t make this intense. Keep it at a light pace. March on the spot if a jog is too much for you.
Plank (20 seconds)
Hold your body upright with your forearms and toes whilst keeping your core tight.
High Knees – Jog on the spot (20 seconds)
Don’t make this intense. Keep it at a light pace. March on the spot if a jog is too much for you.
Squat Hold (20 seconds)
Legs spread apart, bend your knees and put the weight into your heels. Keep your back straight and avoid putting pressure on your lower back.
Stay in the squatted position.

Helping Mums Get Fitter – POW8R
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