Emma’s Journey

The Why: Lockdown completely threw my routine & I put on so much weight. The Turning Point: Finding Zoom & then POW8R with Holly & Cal completely changed my life. They have both been so incredibly patient with me, encouraging me & pushing me every step of the way. The Journey: From Cal’s motivational videos […]

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September 6th, 2021

Danielle’s Journey

The Why: Being a working mum of 2 young kids, time is something which seems to run out in the blink of an eye! Making time for yourself is something which for me always went to the bottom of my very busy to do list! Pre lockdown I used to have total mum guilt, when […]

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April 1st, 2021

Jane’s Journey

The Why: Pow8r works for me as the perfect complement to my fitness routine. There’s a really good pick and mix of workouts from the 45 min lives to 8 min add ons that you can put together to create your own tailored workouts. And it’s really flexible! I travel a bit with work so […]

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April 1st, 2021

Lisa’s Journey

The why: I’m a massively gym bunny and love keeping fit. 2020 started with great expectations to keep fit whilst pregnant with my second baby (like I did with my first) however, the pandemic hit, I broke my toe (!) and my plans ground to a halt. I lost all motivation and vowed to lose […]

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April 1st, 2021

Elise’s Journey

The Why: I chose POW8R when I saw it back in January; with another lockdown announced and Christmas just gone, I was at my lowest point. Towards the end of 2020 my mental health was it its worst. I was starving myself because I hated what I saw in the mirror…it was a repetitive circle […]

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April 1st, 2021


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